
Los monos trafican merca

Una bolsita de blaqué y la Avenida Córdoba. Un Farmacity llegando a Sanchez de Bustamante, y el puto 140 que tarda más de lo preciso. Terminás llegando tarde, entrás y todos te miran como diciendo 'buenas noches'. Mañana será un nuevo día y una nueva rutina, pero que nadie me venga a decir que estamos acá por algún propósito; lo único que hace es caminar por la avenida y se olvida de todo.

[Everybody's got something to hide, except me and my monkey]
In 1980, Lennon said: "That was just a sort of nice line that I made into a song. It was about me and Yoko. Everybody seemed to be paranoid except for us two, who were in the glow of love. Everything is clear and open when you're in love. Everybody was sort of tense around us: You know, 'What is she doing here at the session? Why is she with him?' All this sort of madness is going on around us because we just happened to want to be together all the time."

1 comentario:

Pim-pollo dijo...

quieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey yoko traga